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  • Brunvoll Implements AI-enabled Platform to Measure Employee Engagement

Brunvoll Implements AI-enabled Platform to Measure Employee Engagement

Creating jobs for all to improve living standards and providing sustainable economic growth are vital elements in sustainability goal number 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Brunvoll aims to be a workplace where all employees look forward to coming to work.

A good working environment is a prerequisite for being the best professional version of yourself, so how can we create a good working environment? As an employer, Brunvoll will facilitate continuous improvement, addressing what is not working optimally and reinforcing what is positive. Insight is a good starting point for action, but the traditional yearly employee survey does not let us proactively address what does and does not work. Because of this, Brunvoll implemented the survey tool Winningtemp in March of 2022. 2023 will be the first whole year of actively using this tool and provides base line insight to Brunvoll’s work environment.

Winningtemp is a system that measures workplace satisfaction in real time. Every four weeks, all employees receive 30 questions about the work environment at Brunvoll. Responding takes just a few minutes, and the survey is anonymous. “Abstract emotions” become visible, and Brunvoll’s leaders can act proactively.

The system is fully automated. Artificial intelligence (AI) analyses and follows up with more questions about what needs to be addressed in the work environment and clarifies what should be prioritised. The measurements create a basis that promotes dialogue and can also be used to encourage praise and positive feedback. Brunvoll’s leaders will be able to monitor the temperature of their teams and be notified if the temperature in a category decreases or increases. They will also be able to identify bullying, harassment, or discrimination. This way, we can act proactively instead of reactively.

If there are fewer than five employees in a department, the answers from this group will be included at the organisational level above. It is possible to add free text comments if an employee wishes to expand their answer. There are no neutral answer options, as we seek honest opinions. There are nine categories of questions: Leadership, Happiness at work, Meaningfulness, Independence, Work situation, Participation, Personal Development, Team spirit, and Engagement.

In 2023, 477 employees participated in the surveys, sharing 1024 comments and 818 words of praise with their colleagues. The general average “organisational temperature” was 7,4 compared to an index of 7,3 (all Winningtemp users). Brunvoll’s Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) of 21 is considered to be good.

“The tool has helped Brunvoll make fact-based and relevant decisions when it comes to working environment discussions both on department and overall company levels. More frequently than before implementing pulse surveys, we invite our employees to discuss areas of preservation and improvement with their managers. For the employees, this is a great channel to express their employee experience”, says EVP HR & Communications, Marthe Outzen.

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