Local community presence
Our ambition: Since 1912, Brunvoll has been valued and enriched by well-functioning local communities. More than ever before, this is essential to sustainability and our future development. Brunvoll aims to continue to be an active contributor in our local communities, through employment and development opportunities. We promote education and provide donations to partnerships and sponsorships in order to support social, economic and community development.

We are proud to produce in Norway. Brunvoll wishes to be a visible and positive contributor to society, creating and maintaining jobs, offering training opportunities, well-being and pride through various activities and events – also outside our own organisation.
110 years in 2022
In 2022, Brunvoll could celebrate 110 years in business.

Local ownership – the shareholder agreement
In 1912, the three Brunvoll brothers Andreas, Arthur and Anders, like many other local entrepreneurs, decided to establish their own business to manufacture ship engines for the Norwegian fishing fleet. However, only a few of these companies have survived challenges such as the two world wars, several periods of economic crisis and most recently a worldwide pandemic. The company is still family-owned, and the owners are determined to further develop the company for the future so that Brunvoll continues to be a competitive and attractive workplace.
In a family business it is important to have a strategy for ownership at the transition between generations, and to keep focusing on long-term perspectives. Ottar Brunvoll (26.05.1931-01.11.2020) was far-sighted in the shareholder agreement process. The agreement ensures commitment and local ownership to the benefit of shareholders, employees, clients and the local community. The agreement demonstrates a high level of social responsibility. This attitude to local ownership and building industry has been fundamental for the Brunvoll family ownership and has been passed on to the third and fourth generations.
Today’s owners see themselves as long-term owners. The importance of securing local jobs is reflected in the investments that have been and are still being made. An essential part of the secret behind Brunvoll’s growth and success is the investment in employees, development and production technology.
- Good cooperation between owners, management and employees is the key to development and success. In the same way that Brunvoll as an organisation evolves, we as owners must ensure the transfer of knowledge and competence to new generations. We want to involve more people in the family more actively in the boardroom. For the owners, it has been - and is - important to contribute to predictability and long-term strategies. Local ownership and production in Norway has been a success factor and is still central to today’s generations of owners, says chairman Tone Brunvoll of Brunvoll Holding AS.

Quality education
We define competence as the sum of attitudes, knowledge and skills. All these elements are important to our success.
A significant contribution to Brunvoll’s people development strategy is the apprenticeship model, used when recruiting skilled workers for the future. Since the company was established in 1912, Brunvoll has invited young talents to join the company. Including the next generations is inspiring. Young professionals are being given opportunities to build their careers at Brunvoll. We believe that mixing competencies and generations, in challenging and developing each other daily, contributes positively to our organisational development. Since 1968, Brunvoll AS has offered more than 290 apprenticeships. 104 of these apprentices were still employed in 2023. Currently, we aim at an apprentice share of 7,5%.
Together with Molde University College, Molde Business Forum and others, Brunvoll has hosted the annual career days for about 1000 10th grade pupils in the Molde region anually for 14 years. The career days inspire and help students in their choice of education and profession, as well as promote vocational subjects. The career days aim at providing pupils first-hand information about the business world and giving them an opportunity to broaden their career choices.
Brunvoll is an active contributor to educational institutions in our local communities. We host numerous student meetings and events. We offer job training such as internships, summer internships and job placements, encouraging people to contribute to society and prohibiting exclusion from the work force.
Since 2002, Brunvoll has taken an active role in the creation and maintenance of an industry network, Romsdal Forum for Teknologiske Fag, cooperating with local vocational high schools. The network’s main purpose is to increase the interest for and recruitment to technical and vocational professions.
Active contributor in local communities
We support our local communities with safe and decent work, local value creation and economic activity. We support several local initiatives that focus on creating positive meeting arenas for children and young adults.
In February 2023, 6 MNOK was distributed to Brunvoll’s employees from our 2022 profit sharing program. A part of this consisted of a gift card to support local businesses. An additional 6 MNOK was distributed in November 2023 from our 2023 profits.
Some of the organisations supported by Brunvoll are:
Barnekreftforeningen, Bud Dykkerklubb, Eide og omegn fotballklubb, Elnesvågen og omegn Idrettslag (EOIL) – håndball, Elnesvågen turnforening, EOIL fotball, Frelsesarmeen, Gossen IL, JoinUs, Kreftforeningen, Kviltorp og Nordbyen skolekorps, MFK U-laget , Midsund IL, Molde Basket , Molde Olymp, Molde Taekwon-Do klubb, Molde Turnforening, Poppeloppeteatret, Rival, Romsdal Kystlag, Røde kors, Skåla IL, Træff, Volda Volleyball, VTI Fotball, Ørsta IL Fotball, Ørsta Skisenter, Volda Skisenter, VTI Langrenn & Skiskyting, Sunnmøre Klatreklubb Ungdomsgruppe, Volda E-sport, Volda & Ørsta Trial-klubb, Volda & Ørsta Ballettskule, Volda Skulekorps, Ørsta Innebandy, Ørsta IL Turn, Volda Rideklubb, Åmdal IL, Folkestad IL, Hovdebygda IL, Austefjord IL, Dalsmarken, Åmdal Tokke fotballklubb, Team TeVe, Høydalsmo IL, Lårdal Kaste på stikka, Ungdom mot Narkotika, Barnas Skileiker.
Since 2021, Brunvoll has supported the The JoinUs foundation. JoinUs offers meeting places for activity. The foundation’s purpose is to help people strengthen their knowledge of language, their environments and social conditions through organised physical and creative activities.
The JoinUs foundation offers many different activities that are held at fixed times during the day and evening. JoinUs also holds activities during various holiday weeks specifically aimed at children and young people. All activities are open for everyone - regardless of skill levels. The activities are free and the foundation provides equipment for the activities.
“The JoinUs Foundation is proud and happy to collaborate with Brunvoll”, says Knut Olav Rindarøy in the JoinUs Foundation. This foundation is a driving force and facilitator of meeting arenas for the community, creating interaction and building relations between people, municipalities and the business community.
Brunvoll has been a “gold partner” for Molde Football Club since 2012.

Performance indicators 2023